Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Waah everyone is selling themselves on their blogs man. Sorry, mind if I type in a bit of Singlish-ish? xD I've been holding back for the last 2 posts but it really causes me to spend more time typing since I have to edit. Ya, I'm Canadian :P And I embrace Singlish.

Jaja, soo as I was saying (sorry I am typing without much thinking now, my T.V. show is ganna start soon) I didn't wanna "promote" myself since I suck at it, but I always said I wanted to work on that, so why give myself excuses and hold myself back, right? So, I kicked myself to draw something to uhh promote myself so maybe one of you nice people would ask me to join your team since I still haven't finished reading all the blogs :/

TA-DA LOL, it says it all

I didn't have time to color and I know it's very rough/unproportionate? disproportionate ??????, but can pass la for a 5min sketch. Okay, bye-bye, T.V. time!

And umm I am looking for a team with people with nice personalities and lots of immense enormous (I need a thesaurus) passion for whatever assignments we are ganna get :P The teams attitude's is at the moment the most important thing for me :D


Anyway, interesting article I read a few months back, some of ya probably read it before:

I specially googled it out, OK!


  1. Love your drawing style. How come you need PS? Unless you drew that in Paint... (:

  2. Opening invitation to either application or seminar?
    Both 1 short atm(I think)

  3. it's a joy to read your posts! Glad that I will be working with someone with such a cheerful personality.

    SideNote: you might wanna change the filename of the picture. Most ad-blocking robots will automatically block it simply because the filename contains "advert".

  4. Ah, I drew that in Windows Journal on top of my marketing powerpoint slides :P Then I just c&p&saved it.

    doomdg I do need a group for the seminar!

    Wah, Ji Wei thanks for the tip, didn't occur to me :X I'll change it when I get home!
